Monday, June 21, 2010

Sex Video

There is a lady in this area very upset at an old boyfriend. Seems he videotaped them having sex and downloaded the tape on YouTube. She called the police and I guess the relationship is history. Now in the dating world not only do you have to worry about STD's, creeps, and actually getting a date,
you get to worry if you are on YouTube getting it on. Thank goodness I am married. If the husband wanted to videotape us we would have to buy a video camera. Then we would have to learn to use the thing. Plus neither one of us has a clue how to download the video to YouTube. And after we did all that stuff we would be too tired to perform. But all in the dating world beware! Check for hidden cameras before getting too cozy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Three Dogs

I love my dogs,all three of them. They keep me busy and more active than I want. They are big. That makes everything more work. Bigger leashes, bigger bowls, bigger poops, and bigger barks. So today I have decided that after my three dogs are gone I want a little, lazy dog.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I received an e-mail yesterday notifying me that I qualify for membership in the National Association of Professional Women. This association honors the country's most accomplished professional women. I have five days to sign up with no fees. Then I will be in a network of thousands of professional women. Now I haven't nursed in about 4 years. I work a few hours a month in a yarn shop. And last I blog ( not much lately) on Cullie Chats. So I am in a quandary figuring out what exactly my profession is. A professional could even be a hooker for all I know. I have a feeling this is just a mass e-mail sent to suckers like me. From all I am reading about facebook selling everyone's privacy out, they probably got my info there. Then they read this blog and said this woman is a professional. I am not pushing the join button. I know I am a professional in all I do. I don't need an association to prove it.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is Friday. I think most of you know that. My biggest plans for the day is going to the dog park. The dog park is the best way for three dogs to have B.M.s at the same time. Kinda of like going to the super Wal-Mart and getting all your shopping done at once. The husband is working in his cave/ home office today. That eliminates having any men friends over. Not that there are any to come but I am just throwing that out there. I did gain weight over the beach trip so I am only wearing my stretchy clothes. I think it is all fluid because of the heat and not all the food and wine I consumed. I might do laundry today but probably not, even though I can only wear my stretchy clothes. Depending on what type of husband emerges from the cave determines what I will do tonight. Tomorrow I work at the yarn shop. And tomorrow is Saturday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where Did She Go

Forget ever being a blogger of note or even a blogger. I am dragging my ass lately on this blog. I can blame it on nothing more exciting than Al and Tipper Gore breaking up. They prove money doesn't buy happiness. I don't want to discuss the oil spill. That is like an alcoholic family member - don't talk about it and it doesn't exist. Besides everyday I crank my car and use the oil spewing who knows where. I could blame all my diseases but that is so last year. How about plain ole laziness? That is as good as excuse as any. I did spend a week at the beach without a computer. Which reminds me. I read an article in the Myrtle Beach paper about this recurrent domestic call. Seems a wife kept throwing the phone in the toilet. Mainly because women kept calling her husband. The husband reassured the police he was moving out so there would be no further problems. There were hints the wife might not be right. Obviously the husband is a few short. Don't give your home phone number to your girlfriends. you ijidit! So I promise to blog everyday even if I say the same thing every day. You know like Sarah Palin's speeches. Same speech no matter where she is. Roger and out!