Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Einstein Videos

The Baby Einstein company is giving refunds to all who purchased their videos. I believe the problem was false advertising. The premise was that if your infant watched Baby Einstein videos, he or she would be smarter. All parents hope for their own baby Einstein, so it was an easy sell. I admire the company for admitting their wrong. But how did they decide the babies weren't smarter? Did they have a lab with some babies watching baby Einstein and some not? How did they decide if the babies were not getting smarter? Were some babies just dumb to begin with? I am still studying about this. I gave some Baby Einstein videos as gifts. Am I entitled to refund? Baby Einstein videos were not around when my children were infants. They can say they are genetically dumb.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Heads Up

I saw my GI surgeon yesterday in Chapel Hill. He explained that I had a large, thin, pleated rectum. He had to repair it with a gathering stitch. So I am back home and very, very tired. Heads up to all that the King of Crowns is on tonight at 7:00,7:30, 9:00, and 9:30. The ones at 7:00 have titles like "Her Hair Weighed 200 Pounds". The two at 9:00 and 9:30 are the ones I watched last week. Tune in at TLC for an awesome time.

P.S. The Good Wife is the show for prime time.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Pig

Yesterday I watched a show on the Animal Planet. The show involved a pot belly pig from the UK. She was a rescue pig. Rescued because she had ate herself blind literally.Evidently pigs will eat and eat. They do not know when to quit. This pig had eaten so much that fat folds covered her eyes and drug the ground, hampering her ability to see and walk. The new family placed her in her own pen on their farm. The pig wouldn't leave her pig house so the best pig doctor in the UK was called. He prescribed exercise and fruits and vegetables. The pig loved apples and pears but not exercise. I really bonded with the pig. I felt her fat. The family got a young girl pot belly pig. She was placed in the pen with the rescue pig. The rescue pig followed the young pig around even trying to run and play. The doctor said the rescue pig could not loose too much weight. That would cause loose skin over the eyes and drag the ground. If you refer back to the Flat Belly Cookbook post, I addressed that loose skin issue. Anyway the moral of this story - girls need their girlfriends.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

King of Crowns

Channel surfing for two weeks has finally proved successful. I found the show of my dreams. Granted prior to finding this gem I encountered Hugh Hefner's show. His naked girlfriends were washing his car. The appropriate areas or should I say inappropriate areas were covered. There are two shows I didn't watch - Women Who Don't Know They Are Pregnant and Toddlers and Tiaras. I think I will skip both of those. The King of Crowns comes on TLC on Wednesday nights. This is a reality show based out of Columbia, South Carolina. The focus is on a shop called Crown and Glory. This shop prepares girls for pageants all over South Carolina. The head guy is in charge of all. I believe he is gay,not that that is relevant. His interview coach is also a gay man. A young, possibly heterosexual, male is the booking agent. There is a young female and I forget her duties. You see firsthand all the agony and hard work being in a pageant requires. You see the girls preparing their walk, their interview, and their outfits. You meet the families involved and all their expectations. You follow the girls to the final moment when the judges announce the winners. The excitement and buildup is incredible. I saw a Peanut Queen crowned in Pelion,South Carolina and Miss Columbia crowned in Pageland, South Carolina. This show combines drama, emotion, comedy, family, fashion, and charity. All the contestants want to save the world and cure cancer. That touches you on so many levels. Young women thinking of the world instead of their appearence. Last night's episode even featured a former Miss South Carolina inspiring her stepdaughter to follow in her footsteps. You saw inside the former queen's home and her huge oil painting of herself in her crown. You witnessed her stepdaughter trying on the gown the former queen wore when she won her title. A show doesn't get better than that. I haven't DVRed the show yet. I am too anxious for next Wednesday. I don't think I could wait for the recording.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Underwear

Back when I worked for a plastic surgeon, I had a patient who lived in Mexico City. He told us that a New Year's custom was to wear red underwear. Supposedly those who did received good luck and good sex for the next year. One of our co-worker's brought everyone red underwear after that. I don't know if I believe that New Year's tale or not. Although I have been eating collards and black-eyed peas every New Years without a significant change year to year. However since I received those red underwear I have made my own tradition. Anticipating a bad day - wear red underwear, need a pick me up - wear red underwear, gloomy weather - wear red underwear. You get the picture. My red underwear has been my red badge of courage so to speak. I wore red underwear yesterday because I was tired, bored, achy, and plain ole miserable. I woke up today still in the red underwear. I am tired, bored, achy, and plain ole miserable. Maybe I need to switch to hot pink underwear.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nobel Prizes

I just wanted to remind everyone that there were a record number of women winning the Nobel Prizes. Enough said. My granddaughters and great-granddaughters will worry more about what's in their head than on their body. Let's Hear It For the Girls.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Daytime TV

I have been a prisoner of daytime television for over a week. This is what I have learned. You can get pregnant in a threesome. If you don't know who the baby daddy is, Maury can help you out. That the Beverly Hillbilly's is as funny now as it was 45 years ago. Too many Law and Order SVU's make you nauseous. If you have taken Reglan for GERD and are having neurological symptoms you are qualified for a cash settlement. Binder and Binder is the leading Social Security Disabilities law firm in the country. Call them today. ITT Tech is the place for you. Just don't read that fine print on the screen that says none of their classes transfer. Nobody seems to care that David Letterman slept with his staff except CNN.If you have a credit card and phone you can shop til you drop on QVC. Regis is annoying no matter who is his host. The View is a bitch fest. I am sorry but even Oxycodone can't make that show get better. They all want to talk all the time. You can watch a C - section , natural childbirth and Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC. They might as well show root canals too. Kellie Pickler's new video is on at least every 2 hours on CMT. Miranda Lamberts' White Liar is on less but I like the video better. Miranda Lambert appeared on Ellen DeGeneres and sang White Liar. You don't have to take the birth control pill every day. You can use a ring for 3 weeks. The side effects are the same but who cares about the side effects as long as you don't end up on Maury looking for the baby daddy?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jon and Kate

My bedroom is on the second floor. Since climbing stairs is required to get there I have been staying upstairs most of the time. We have a small television with basic cable in the bedroom. Prior to surgery my television viewing was to watch the programs I recorded during the day and no television at night. Now I channel surf all day. I knew Jon and Kate were all over People. I have complained and complained about that. Now they are on every channel!!!!!!!!!! Kate crying she can't pay bills. Jon saying his kids aren't going to be on television anymore. His kids need a normal life. Those kids will never have a normal life with their parents. Jon and Kate are psycho. TLC opened a can of worms when they put them on the air. But wait TLC has made millions on this so the crazier the better. I am just trying to recuperate and don't need them in my face. I can change the channel. I hadn't thought of that.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hell is Here

I am home. The sex change was a bitch. Too much pain. I had excellent nurses and care. Just one nurse was burnt out and mean. I reported her ass right away. Now I am enjoying not lifting more than 2 pounds for 6 weeks and only going up and down stairs once or twice a day for 6 weeks. My daughter is here. I am glad she came. I just hate she used vacation time to take care of me. She should be on a tropical island with some hunk. I should be on a tropical island with some hunk. I am getting tired. I just need to make a clarification. In my Woodstock post numerous people interpreted that my husband and I were addicted to Viagra. I meant that in general terms to our age group. That our age group switched from the pot of our youth to Viagra. So to clear the air, we are not Viagra addicts. In fact my lower area is off limits to anything or anyone for 6 weeks. Even a truckload of Viagra and a naked George Clooney in my bedroom would not make me violate my doctor orders.