Friday, May 29, 2009

Popular Girl Retreat

I won't be posting over the weekend. I will be at the Popular Girl's Retreat in Pisgah Forest, N. C. Pisgah Forest is between Brevard and Asheville, a beautiful place. One of the Popular Girls is lucky enough to live there and open up her home for the retreats." What is a Popular Girl Retreat?", you ask. First it is a gathering of Popular Girls. I started the retreats and hand picked each Popular Girl.The qualifications for a Popular Girl is to only talk to other Popular Girls, make sure all the nonpopular girls feel bad that they are not a Popular Girl, and to put out. All the girls I chose are married except for two. I assume the married ones are putting out . I have not recieved any complaints from their husbands. The other two have to be putting out or they can't remain a Popular Girl. I see my body every day in the mirror after my shower. I have to stay married. Without a husband I would have to pay to put out. And I must always remain a Popular Girl. At the retreats things are kept simple. After all we have all reached the highest point in life - we are popular. Therefore makeup is optional. Staying in your PJ's all day is cool. Showers and tooth brushing are mandatory as is wine drinking. Cooking is frowned upon. Takeout or delivery is cheered. Talking about all the unpopular girls is a must. Talking about a Popular Girl isn't okay unless she has been really, really mean. Lots and lots of laughter is essential.The sole reason for the retreat is knitting, playing in polymer clay, dying yarn, spinning yarn, needle felting, wet felting, beading or any thing else we can think of. Sometimes we leave the house for important things like a fiber festival, a yarn shop, a bead shop, or a quilt store. We do shop for important things like wine and chocolate. We ogle young men walking by. But we never approach or put out unless they own a farm with llamas, sheep, cashmere goats, or angora rabbits. We also approach or put out if they own a yarn store, quilt shop, bead shop, chocolate factory, or winery. We have higher standards than your average Popular Girl. Unfortunately some of my hand picked Popular Girls have never made a retreat. They have used flimsy excuses like childbirth, funerals, moving, and dance recitals. They are at present Sub Popular Girls. I haven't decided how long they will remain at that level before I demote them to Dangerously Close To Never Being A Popular Girl. Talk to you Monday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rap concert

My son in Atlanta attended T I 's final concert before he went to jail. Ti went to jail not my son. The concert was last Sunday. I didn't realize that my son liked rap. I didn't know who in the beejus TI was. I kept calling him T Pain. For some reason I knew the name T Pain. That must have come from my People magazine. Wanting to maintain communication with my son I read all about the concert. I assumed my son would wear bling and grills to the concert. I thought you wore grills like clip on earrings. On when you needed them,off when you didn't. The son at home corrected that assumption. You have grills permanently placed by a dentist. I don't think my dentist does grills so I didn't know that. The son in Atlanta said no he wasn't wearing bling or grills. I had a sigh of relief. I don't think our dental insurance covers grill placement. Anyway T I went to jail for buying unregistered machine guns. Was the crime for buying the machine guns or the fact they were unregistered? Until I confirm that I won't be flipping off people in traffic because they may have a registered machine gun in their glove box. T I brought all of his 5 children on stage at various points of the concert. I asked my son if the mother or mothers were there. He said he didn't see any. Maybe there wasn't enough room on the stage for all the mothers and the kids and T I and the band. I think rappers have a band don't they? T I is 28 so maybe a year in jail will be good for slowing down his baby making. T I has won Grammys. At first I called them Emmys but the son in Atlanta said" Grammys ,Mom". I can't get a word in edgewise when I get him on the phone. Soulja Boy was at the concert too. He is a young rapper, maybe 18. I don't know if he has won any Emmys or Grammys. I will ask my son in our next phone conversation. I do know that I can't get the song - "Soldier Boy , oh my little Soldier Boy , I love you" - out of my head. I don't think that is where Soulja Boy got his name but the song is great to sing in the shower.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Post

I am a writer. That feels good to say. I have written in my head and on paper all my life. I have several short stories and an unfinished book in my closet in a basket. My health is not good and I realize I am not going to live forever. I don't want my children finding my basket when I 'm gone and saying, "Why did she not finish this book ?" I bought a Writer's Guide edition from Writer's Digest Monday. It suggested starting a blog to help increase your writing output. So here it is in all of it's fine glory. You will have to wait for pictures. I need one of my children to help me with that. I will take notes so I will be able to post pictures myself. I hope to blog here and write my books in Word everyday that I can. I plan to blog about whatever is in my head at the time. That might be dangerous. My head gets filled with all kinds of stuff. I get a subscription to People so I know lots more than your average person. I DVR Saturday Night Live and have a wealth of info from Seth Meyers. Most important I am married to a man who knows everything! Stayed tuned. Same time tomorrow from Cullie Chats about whats in her head.