Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth

Today is the fourth of July. This is one of my favorite holidays. No presents, hot weather, cold beer, and a cookout. Lots of my fourths were spent in Myrtle Beach with my daughter in competitive dance tournaments. Those are good memories with lots of good laughs. Once my friend and I dressed alike the entire tournament. The best outfit were our t-shirts declaring " my daughter dances better than your daughter" on the front and our respective daughter's names on the back. That made those dance moms stand to attention. Another memory was being kicked out of a restaurant in Murrell's Inlet. Yes kicked out. We were a party of four adults, two teen age girls, and four boys. We weren't drunk. The children weren't out of control. We were just a large party taking up space for the fireworks. The restaurant wrapped up our desserts to go and sent us on our way. We adults did not cuss or fight for the children's sake. Another fourth we met a tornado in Garden City. Our two families huddled in the laundry room downstairs in the condo complex while idiots stood on roof tops filming the tornado going down the beach. Yes these are family memories created to laugh about in later years.

1 comment:

  1. yes any 4th of July that we spent with the Hidy's is a fond memory ;)
