Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another Memoir

Jenny Sanford has announced that she is going to write a memoir. The publishing company says that she will have help. That means someone else will write the book. Jenny will just dictate. Poor Jenny, did someone not tell her that Elizabeth Edwards just wrote the same book last year? Plus Elizabeth had a baby and hush money in her story. I think we would prefer a book from the "love story" lady of Argentina. That is probably juicier. All of us know about raising children and dealing with immature men.Why read about that when we can read a romantic love story in an exotic location. I would love to publish a book and would write it myself. Any suggestions on what I should do? Yesterday the husband stayed home sick. The heating and air company came to check the furnace. The service man is usually my age and looks like I feel. Yesterday the guy was hot with an awesome body. He had my furnace going. As he walked upstairs the husband said,"Who is that?" My response was " My boyfriend , we didn't know you would be home." The husband rolled his eyes. But that could be a bestseller. Suburban housewife has torrid affair with heating and air repairman with awesome body. Someone else would write this book because I would be busy getting my furnace stoked. But I digress from Jenny and Elizabeth. Remember the women with enough money that they don't need to air their dirty laundry in a memoir. I did read that John Edward's mistress and child are moving to Wilmington, N.C. Close to the Edward's Figure Eight home and not far from their Chapel Hill home. Now that is a book I will read.

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