Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Underwear

Back when I worked for a plastic surgeon, I had a patient who lived in Mexico City. He told us that a New Year's custom was to wear red underwear. Supposedly those who did received good luck and good sex for the next year. One of our co-worker's brought everyone red underwear after that. I don't know if I believe that New Year's tale or not. Although I have been eating collards and black-eyed peas every New Years without a significant change year to year. However since I received those red underwear I have made my own tradition. Anticipating a bad day - wear red underwear, need a pick me up - wear red underwear, gloomy weather - wear red underwear. You get the picture. My red underwear has been my red badge of courage so to speak. I wore red underwear yesterday because I was tired, bored, achy, and plain ole miserable. I woke up today still in the red underwear. I am tired, bored, achy, and plain ole miserable. Maybe I need to switch to hot pink underwear.


  1. Maybe it's got more to do w/ the weather than the color of your undies? I don't have red, maybe that's been my problem. I do have hot pink, and will wear them today in your honor.
